Sunbrella Marine Canvas

About Sunbrella marine canvas

Sunbrella is known for having high quality worry-free fabric. The fabrics are durable and perfect for indoor and outdoor projects. Sunbrella fabrics are resistant to abrasions, weather, mold and mildew. 

Sunbrella has won many awards for their fabric designs. They offer hundreds of colors, and a wide range of patterns. While the fabrics are comfortable and durable, they are also very easy to clean. 

Check out Sunbrella’s website for more fabric options

Cleaning Sunbrella Marine Canvas

The best way to maintain Sunbrella fabrics is to hose the fabrics off monthly with clean water. This helps remove dirt from the fabric and keeps it from getting deeply embedded. 

General or Light Cleaning

  • Wipe off loose dirt
  • Hose the fabric down
  • Create a solution of water and mild soap
  • Let solution soak into the material, use a soft bristle brush to clean the surface
  • Rinse fabric until all soap is removed
  • Allow fabric to air dry 

Heavy Cleaning for Stubborn Stains and Mildew

Although Sunbrella fabrics prevent mold growth, mold may grow on dirt of other substances that aren’t removed from the fabric. How to remove mold or mildew:

  • Create a solution with 1 cup of bleach and 1/4 cup of mild soap for every gallon of water
  • Let mixture soak into fabric for 15 minutes
  • Blot stain with a sponge or clean towel
  • Allow fabric to air dry

Retreating Sunbrella Fabrics

Although the Fabrics are already treated with a proprietary water and stain repellent finish. It may have to be reapplied after throughout cleaning. 303 Fabric Guard is recommended for this process. 

Applying a Retreatment

  • First clean the fabric
  • Make sure that fabric has time to air dry
  • Apply retreatment in a well-ventilated area following the instructions given by on the container