On this Cruisers Yachts 3950 Aft Cabin we made a full bridge enclosure and aft panels. This project was made using Strataglass for the windows and Black Sunbrella Marine Fabric. Also, we made sure to design this enclosure with maximum visibility.
The project has a variety of different Strataglass windows including rollup windows and door panels. Throughout the project we used SolarFix thread. SolarFix thread is specifically made to be resistant to harmful UV rays and weathering. SolarFix thread also comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Rigid enclosures are made from a flexible glass like material, Strataglass, that provides clarity to your enclosure. There are different types of material thickness. Which allows for some windows to be rolled up, and other types to remain more glass like.
These enclosures are flexible to meet the shape of the boat. And can also store flat when not in use. Rigid enclosures are made high quality and can protect from 98% of harmful UV rays.
Strataglass is known for their flexible marine enclosure windows. The windows are highly durable and contain a scratch resistant coating. It should have a lifetime of 2-5 years when properly cleaned and used with the protective polish and protective cleaner.
Sunbrella is known for having high quality worry-free fabric. The fabrics are durable and perfect for indoor and outdoor projects. Sunbrella fabrics are resistant to abrasions, weather, mold and mildew.
Sunbrella has won many awards for their fabric designs. They offer hundreds of colors, and a wide range of patterns. While the fabrics are comfortable and durable, they are also very easy to clean.